Estimate your project

Estimated price is
Step 1 / 6

How many pages in your Figma design?

Tell us the number of pages we have to build manually from scratch.
‍Price per page goes down at 8 and 12
If pages have more then 6 sections (nav-footer excluded),
the price could be higher.
Step 2 / 6

Do you want components for your website?

We can split the website section into components to be reused unlimited times
Step 3 / 6

How complex are the interactions?

From minimal to maximum
There are no transitions and animations to add. Everything is how you can see it on the page.
There are small transitions and animations to add.
We have some advanced transitions and animations we want to implement.
Step 4 / 6

Select the type of CMS you need

If you are not sure, we can advise, leave it open.
Step 5 / 6

What integrations do you need?

If you are not sure, leave it open.

Let's confirm your company info

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